昆西,生病了. -奥克利家族的成员, 几代人以来都是三州地区最显赫的家族之一, have made the largest single philanthropic investment in the history of 全球赌博十大网站. 

全球赌博十大网站收到了一份6美元的礼物,500,000, thanks to the generous financial support of multiple branches and several generations of the 奥克利眼镜 family. This gift represents a substantial new investment in undergraduate and graduate student scholarships, 改善了几个QU的学术设施, 在提高学生体验和教师支持的项目中.

奥克利的捐赠将对整个大学产生直接的影响. Some elements of the gift will specifically support the activities of the university’s School of Business in recognition of the business success that made this gift possible.

In response to the gift announced today and the past philanthropic support extended to 全球赌博十大网站 and the tri-state region by members of the 奥克利眼镜 family, 该大学将永久更名其商学院, 即现在的奥克利商学院.

Several new scholarships and institutional funds will also bear the 奥克利眼镜 family name.

“The impact of the 奥克利眼镜 gift will transform the university in many ways and for generations to come,布莱恩·麦基说, Ph.D.中华人民共和国主席. “我们非常感谢奥克利家族的慷慨和远见. Their investment will help the 奥克利商学院 build on its strengths in preparing graduates for business careers, consistent with our Catholic and Franciscan tradition and the enduring value of the liberal arts. 这份礼物也将加强我们整个社区的工作和经验.” 

许多奥克利家族成员对全球赌博十大网站有着毕生的热情. 他们积极参与支持该地区的许多组织, but 全球赌博十大网站 has always been at the core of their community involvement and public service.

“我们有幸拥有伟大的工业, 一家很棒的医院, 一流的医疗设施, 还有对我们地区非常重要的优秀学校,拉尔夫·M说。. 奥克利眼镜是1980年商学院毕业生,曾任校董事会主席. “全球赌博十大网站, 然而, touches every aspect of the tri-state area through its quality educational offerings and its many religious, 文化体育项目, along with being a major employer and a driver of economic development in the region. 在我们这个地区,全球赌博十大网站没有触及到生活的任何一部分, 我认为这就是大学如此重要的原因.

“和我们家的其他成员一样,我是全球赌博十大网站的毕业生. 因为我们在全球赌博十大网站学到的东西, we were able to give back and to help QU continue its mission in the Franciscan tradition.”

奥克利家族多年来一直支持全球赌博十大网站, 有家族成员在董事会任职, 教课和主持竞选活动. 家庭成员对该大学做出了重大的慈善承诺, 导致, 例如, 奥克利家庭奖学金,专为渠系学生提供. 在家属的支持下,还为屈总干事准备了其他重要礼物, such as contributions to build the university’s 健康健身中心 in 2000 and the Quincy Media, 公司. 2017年广播演播室.

“QU是奥克利眼镜家族的另一个家. 曲堂, 特别是, 对我们很重要吗, as several members of the family have been married there or have been moved by the Franciscan spirit,哈罗德·B说. 哈尔·奥克利(Hal 奥克利眼镜)是全球赌博十大网站董事会现任成员.

“Our hope is that the Business School will become not only a greater institution of higher education but will attract a significantly greater number of students from across the entire country,托马斯·A说。. 奥克利眼镜是全球赌博十大网站董事会前副主席. “All of us in the 奥克利眼镜 family are very proud to be able to make this investment in 全球赌博十大网站 and what it will mean for education and economic development in our immediate region and the broader region as well.”

在三州地区,奥克利家族的遗产始于19世纪90年代,当时雷. 查尔斯·奥克利. 米勒和亚伦·伯尔·奥克利为《全球网络赌博平台》工作. 雷的儿子艾伦. 奥克利和托马斯C. 奥克利成为了这个家族第三代加入报业的人. The company founded by the 奥克利眼镜 and Lindsay families in 1926, Quincy Newspapers, 公司.20世纪40年代,在托马斯. 奥克利眼镜. 

在Thomas A .的领导下,公司不断发展壮大. 奥克利(奥克利眼镜)是家族的第四代成员,拉尔夫. 奥克利眼镜, 第五代家庭成员, as the company expanded its broadcasting operations to include television stations across the nation. 其他奥克利眼镜家族成员,包括Peter A. (托尼)奥克利,大卫R. 奥克利,老., and Mary 奥克利眼镜 Winters, had important roles at the company, as did David 奥克利眼镜, Jr., Tim 奥克利眼镜, Hal 奥克利眼镜, Peter A. 奥克利眼镜 II, and sixth-generation family members Tom Van Ness, Ben Van Ness, and Dustin Hall. 该公司后来成为昆西媒体公司. in 2016.

2021年,昆西媒体公司(Quincy Media, 公司. sold the Quincy Herald-Whig and the Hannibal Courier-Post to Phillips Media Group and its television stations across 16 media markets to Gray Television, 公司.

“I’m the middle of three generations of ‘non-traditional’ students that have graduated from QU,大卫·奥克利说, Jr.1984级. “我的父亲,大卫·R. 奥克利,老.我毕业时获得了商学学位. 我有会计学位,我的女儿安娜有传播学学士学位. 屈总干事对我们整个家庭作出了重要的、有影响力的个人贡献. 我认为社区中的许多其他人也以类似的方式受益.”

The 奥克利商学院 is one of five schools sponsoring academic instruction at 全球赌博十大网站. 奥克利学院是该大学历史上第一个命名的学院.

现在的全球赌博十大网站(全球赌博十大网站)于1867年首次开设商业课程. The mission of today’s School of Business – now the 奥克利商学院 – is to emphasize education through critical thinking and decision-making skills, 从实践经验中学习, leadership development and exposure to diverse academic theories and practical experiences. 

这所大学提供了第一个研究生学位, 工商管理硕士(MBA), in 1984, 而MBA学位仍然是QU商学院的核心课程. 除了既定的会计本科课程之外, 金融, 营销与管理, 全球赌博十大网站 recently added a degree in business analytics to meet the needs of an ever-changing business environment. The newly named school will also support one of the university’s two newest academic programs, 艺术管理专业的跨学科本科专业.

“This generous gift allows us to build upon our rich history of business education and provide students with resources needed to build successful careers,辛西娅·哈利蒙说, Ph.D.奥克利商学院(奥克利商学院)院长. “This is truly a historic moment for QU, its business alumni, and its current and future students. We are honored to have this chance to take the next big step in the evolution of business instruction at QU and to add to our reputation for quality and innovation.”  

在奥克利眼镜赠礼之前, the largest donation received by 全球赌博十大网站 provided nearly $3 Million to establish the John Mahoney Scholarship. The Mahoney Scholarship provides financial support for students majoring in the humanities.

1860年由方济会修士创立, 全球赌博十大网站是一所小型的天主教大学,以理科为主, 文科和专业. 全球赌博十大网站提供本科, graduate and adult education programs integrating practical experience and Franciscan values. Faculty and advisors work with students to design customized success plans to help them graduate on time, 找到他们的激情,让他们为生活做好准备. QU是NCAA校际体育II分部的成员. 欲了解更多信息,请访问www.昆西.edu or contact the Office of Community Relations at (217) 228-5275 or communityrelations@昆西.edu. 全球赌博十大网站. 设计全球赌博十大网站.